Find the alliteration in the below stanza
says she. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She's strong in her faith, firm in her belief!
She'll not spare you if you're a prankster.
Don't ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect
Mention the Rhyming scheme given in the Below phrase
The summer of life she's ready to see in spring.
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear.
Let me care for the ones who're near.”
She's The Woman – she has no fear!
Mention the figure of speechs used in the below stanza
The summer of life she's ready to see in spring.
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear.
Let me care for the ones who're near.”
She's The Woman – she has no fear!
i)Rhyming Word
ii) Metaphor