Consider the four age pyramids given below namely A, B, C and D representing four different countries.
Which one of them indicates the declining population?
UPSC - 2011
The following figure has four curves namely A, B, C and D. Study the figure and answer the item that follows.
Which curve indicates the exponential growth?
UPSC - 2011
Directions for the following 2 questions
The following pie charts show the break up of disease categories recorded in the patients from two towns. Town A and Town B. Pie charts plot the disease categories as percentage of the total number of patients. Based on these, answer the two items that follow the charts.
Distribution of diseases in Town - A
Distribution of diseases in Town - B
Which of the towns has a higher number of persons with Diabetes?
UPSC - 2011
Town A
Town B
Same in Town A and Town B
No inference can be drawn
What can we say about persons with more than one disease from these graphs ?
UPSC - 2011
There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town A.
There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town B.
There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in both Towns A and B.
No inference can be drawn
Consider the following distance time graph. The graph shows three athletes A, B and C running side by side for a 30 km race.
With reference to the above graph, consider the following statements:
1. The race was won by A
2. B was ahead of A up to 25 km mark.
3. C ran very slowly from the beginning.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
UPSC - 2011
Directions for the following 3 items
During a party, a person was exposed to contaminated water. A few days later, he developed fever and loose motions. He suffered for some days before going to a doctor for treatment. On starting the treatment, he soon become better and recovered completely a few days later. The following graph shows different phases of the person's disease condition as regions A, B, C, D and E of the curve. Which region/regions of the curve correspond/corresponds to incubation phase of the infection?
UPSC - 2011
A only
B only
B and C
No part of the curve indicates the incubation phase