Consider the following figure and answer the item that follows:
What is the total number of triangles in the above grid?
Consider the following figure and answer the item that follows:
What is the minimum number of different colours required to paint the figure given above such that no two adjacent regions have the same colour?
UPSC - 2011
Consider that:
1. A is taller than B.
2. C is taller than A.
3. D is taller than C.
4. E is the tallest of all.
If they are made to sit in the above order of their height, who will occupy the mid position?
UPSC - 2014
Consider the table given below in which the numbers bear certain relationship among themselves along the rows:
Which one of the following numbers is the missing number indicated above by X ?
UPSC - 2014
With reference to the figure given below, the number of different routes from S to T without retracing from U and/or V, is
UPSC - 2014
The letters L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T in their order are substituted by nine integers 1 to 9 but not in that order. 4 is assigned to P. The difference between P and T is 5. The difference between N and T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N?
UPSC - 2014